Swanton Public Library
Board of Trustees
April 12, 2017
The regular meeting of the Swanton Public Library Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. In attendance at the meeting were:
Rebecca Rupp, Chairman
Kathy Kneebone, Secretary
Paul Foisy, Trustee, via phone
Kathy Messier, Treasurer
The meeting was called to order at 7:02
1. Motion to accept the March minutes (KM/PF motion and second) motion passed.
2. Kathy Messier presented the warrants for February and March. Motion to accept the warrants (KK/PF motion and second) motion passed.
3. Director’s Report: More than 1800 patrons visited the library this month with over 800 items checked out or renewed this month. Story hour as well as all other programs this last month had extremely strong numbers, except the Adult Coloring activity. Michelle would like us to purchase 2 half whiskey barrels for flowers on the First St. entrance this year. This will happen. There is a new ILS upgrade in the state this year, and all libraries (like ours) who use Library World, are being offered grants to help cover the cost of the set up and the first year’s contract. There will be a Book Sale and Art Hop on April 22nd, Art has been solicited from 2 senior citizen groups, NCSS, The Art’s Council, and MVU. No response from the Art’s Council, MVU is not interested in an official capacity, but will pass along to students.
4. Board Issues: Danielle’s job description has been tabled until we have Michelle at the next meeting, however it was decided that Danielle’s hours are considered salary at 40 hours each week.
5.Michelle has contacted two businesses regarding our roof, with no luck
6. Discussion of the makerspace was had and decided that the spaces MUST be cleaned up and organized before we are inspected again, as the kitchen area full of makerspace materials was a topic that the inspector found in need of attention.
The meeting was adjourned 7:50
The Next scheduled Board meeting is May 10, 2017.
Respectfully Submitted
Kathy Kneebone, Secretary